I. Global Prehistory 30,000 B.C.E. - 500 B.C.E.

I. Global Prehistory

30,000 B.C.E. - 500 B.C.E.





Global Prehistory - Khan Academy

Graphic Organizers (Filled Out)

Ex. Goguryeo Tomb Mural

Key Words:
Composite View: Composite view is a convention of representation in which part of a figure is shown in profile and another part of the same figure is shown frontally; twisted perspective.

Cromlech: A cromlech is a circle of monoliths. Also known as a henge.

Ground line: In paintings and reliefs, a painted or carved baseline on which figures
appear to stand is known as the ground line.

Incise: Incising is the cutting into a surface with a sharp instrument; also, a method of decoration, especially on metal and pottery.

Megalith: (Greek, “great stone.”) A megalith is a large, roughly hewn stone used in the construction of monumental prehistoric structures.

Mesolithic: The Mesolithic Period is the “middle” Stone Age, between the Paleolithic and the Neolithic ages.

Monolith: A monolith is a column shaft that is all in one piece (not composed of drums); a large, single block or piece of stone used in megalithic structures.

Narrative: A narrative is art that represents elements of a story.

Naturalism: Naturalism is a style in which an artist intends to represent a subject as it appears in the natural world as opposed to being represented in a stylized or intellectually manipulated manner.

Neolithic: The Neolithic Period is the “new” Stone Age. 

Paleolithic: The Paleolithic Period is the “old” Stone Age, during which humankind produced the first sculptures and paintings.

Post and lintel: In architecture, a post-and-lintel refers to the use of horizontal beams or lintels, which are borne up by columns or posts.